Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Reflection on Fluid Thoughts

Dear reader,
In retrospective of my time spent in the workshop "Fluid Thoughts to Action" hosted by the patient tutors Chrisse and Anton; I come to an assessment of my efforts and achievements.

Making an honest study of the Fourteen Drawings produced in the Four week timeframe, I believe myself to have tried my very best, considering my inept and naive hand at drawing.

However, I am most thankful and owe my newly discovered Passion and intrigue in Art to my two tutors.

As a result of the positive influences of this elective, I intend to take up drawing in the mediums of ink and charcoal as a hobby at my leisure.
It brings me such joy to look upon my creations-not for their beauty, for they are certainly not perfect-but rather for the truth that they represent.

I see my drawings as a sliver thought, a piece of imagination and a piece of myself. Its like stepping outside your own body and discovering how your mind really perceives the world. A truth hidden deep within the brambles of distraction that life brings.

Drawing I have discovered is a miraculous medium that alikens itself to meditation. Through it we focus on ourselves and our place in the world around us. It is a silent voice unique to all of us.

Now that I have an understanding of its power and intrinsic meaning I believe I can respect Drawing as a skill that needs to be nurtured and appreciated. If only to make my 'Silent Voice' in drawing more profound and alluring to my responders, I hope to work hard at this skill to better communicate my designs to my Design tutors and later to my clients.

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