Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Mash-Up article

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Google Sketch Up models

Madonna Elevator
The aim in the design of the elevator was to express Madonna's personality. From the knowledge gained from the Mash-Up I interpret Madonna to be a woman of grace. A woman of profound social standing, one who rules in her arena of Pop Culture. Withstanding the test of time. this woman has created in herself a modern legend.
Prada Elevator
After being stimulated by the Mash-Up, I interpret Prada to be in contrast to Madonna, a Feminist in her own right. She is a woman who refuses to accept "Femininity" as a concept conceived by the dominant white society. Rather she acknoledges graciously, the biological differences between men and woman, and chooses to be a woman in her own right. She knows and speaks her own mind; thereby expressing her individuality through her designs.
The Elevator in embodiment of this understanding then aims to convey strength and power; but in a subtle and delicate manner as the materiality chosen is glass.
Meeting Space
The meeting space then, as a cohesion between Madonna and Prada, aims to create a comprehension between the two women. It aims to recognise and embrace their differences; while intercommitantly creating tension between the two as their values and beliefs clash at the point of meeting.
The dining table was designed specifically to mimic the size and shape of a little girls' tea party dining set. This small table placed in the centre on an enourmous void of darkness, stipped of all colouring truly downplays the notion of Power in both parties. At the point of meeting, the two women come to the realisation that they are Powerful within their individual sectors of Pop Culture and Fashion but beyond those realms of knowledge they are rather Powerless in the secular sense. Both become rather powerless when matters relating to Political rule and the welfare of the country is concerned. Rather the two Personas cater to the spiritual and mental wellbeing of the people; aiming to provide entertainment and luxury to the people.
The round sections carved out of the table come to form a harness around the person sitting in it, almost like a handcuff but applied to the whole body. An air of interrogation is evoked by this feeling of entrapment. This further intensifies the "hostility" of the space.
36 Custom Textures

Textures Used:

Rotational Texture rendered in Photoshop and applied to some pathways in Madonna Space. Aim was to create a floral and feminine atmosphere.

Draft 1 UT Environment
Graceful and lithe, the maiden Madonna dances to the tunes of a White Western society. And in the darkness...
the lonely maiden weeps
in want of freedom.
Prada Space
Proud and tall, Muccia Prada stands-a pillar of strength, testament to the the superficial world of Fashion.
Link to draft 1 from rapidshare:
http://rapidshare.com/files/247222060/DM-ARCH1101-ericachen_exp3_draft1.htmlMD5: 077A1DB9884EEE6A4B61802AAAFCD33D
Draft 2 UT Environment
Final Ut Environment
The Proud Madonna sings her song,
loud and confident
clear and sound.
-to all the young woman of the world,
Behold the spirit within!
Behind the foliage, the humble Prada hums-
a lullaby soft and gentle,
clear as day.
The embodiment of Truth-
she encourages the Woman of today:
Challenge the mind,
Penetrate the glass ceiling within!
Below: The Meeting space in relation to the rest of Madonna and Prada space-Although the vibrant colours of the elvators draw attention; the enormous meeting space encumbers all other spaces below and is the main focus of the architecture. Hence signifying its significance-its aim to downplay the power of the two woman; so that they level each others' egoes out and bring one another down a notch-sharing a feeling of humility.
Above: Prada space: Private space and Public space joined by a narrow pathway. The Private space is cast in shadow, as it is a vehicle for contemplation, stored away from the world. The Public is unblocked by any structure and is left free and open almost like a stage or platform. It is here that Prada displays her works for the world to see. The narrowness of the platform ensures that it is only Prada who can shift in between her public and private space.
The contrast between the Madonna and Prada elevators suggest their respective personalities. Madonna being bold and confident as opposed to the silent but strong voice of Pradas'.

Link to my environment from rapid share:
http://rapidshare.com/files/247217410/3253749-EricaChen-exp3.htmlMD5: 025B02C7B676B8ABEB88934EA46ECFA9
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Inspiration for Prada and Madonna Space
Madonna space: BoA Kwon Valenti MV